Products & Solutions
Building Systems
Mitsubishi Electric is ready to provide a solution that best matches building requirements and user needs. Let us coordinate the optimal building environment and management system for you, and explain the amazing energy savings and cost performance benefits possible when using Mitsubishi Electric products.
Product Line-up
Building Management & Control System
Building Management & Control System

Mitsubishi Electric Australia is proud to provide Diamond Controls, a branded, bundled, and seamless building controls solution. Mitsubishi Electric’s Diamond Controls are powered by the industry leading Niagara Framework®, the industry’s first software technology designed to integrate diverse building systems and devices into one seamless system.
Hand Dryers
Hand Dryers — Jet Towel

These high-speed hand dryers use "jet blasts" of air to dry hands completely in a matter of seconds. Mitsubishi Electric developed this original technology in 1993, and the popularity of these hand dryers has continued growing ever since. Today they can be found installed in hotels, restaurants, shopping centres, schools and other public facilities in countries worldwide. Energy-efficient, low-noise operation brings a new level of convenience and satisfaction to users while saving on operating costs.